Hello! Thank you for taking a time to view this page :). I have 8+ years of experience in Web scraping, Web automation, Python scripting. If you ever want a new web scraping then please give a try. I have done many projects with good feedback.
Check my profile on Freelancer.com here: https://www.freelancer.com/u/etuannv

My Services Providing:
- Python scripting
- Web Scraping of any publically available data using Scrapy, Selenium,…
- Data collection from any directory/listing
- Data Mining of any source
- Web Automation
- E-commerce data harvesting
- Scraping bots/scripts development
- Web Scraping of business listing
Service Guarantee: + Support, I provide free bug fixes for 3 months and support even after the project is completed.
Working flatform
- Freelancer.com: https://www.freelancer.com/u/etuannv.html
- Fiverr.com: https://www.fiverr.com/etuannv
Contact info
- Fullname: Tuan Nguyen
- Phone, Whatsapp, Telegram: +84 974528582
- Skype: etuannv
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: https://twitter.com/etuannv
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/etuannv