Price tracking system demo

Price tracking system demo

This is a demo website for a price tracking system. The system scrape product price daily, save to database and display on the website.

System summary

This is a demo website for a price tracking system. There are 2 main modules.

  • The first is a scraping bot which is written in Python with Scrapy. The bot is scheduled to run daily to get product price and store to Mysql database.
  • The second is a admin website which is written in Python with Django. We can add, update product information. Product price history is visualized by a chart.


The system is written in Python with Scrapy, Django framework. It could be deployed on Linux server (1CPU, 1Gb of RAM).

Demo website

The demo system at:

Username: viewer, Password: etuannv2019demo


If you’d like to build a similar system, let contact me at url:

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